Psoriasis of the head - symptoms, treatment

Scalp psoriasis is one of the varieties of psoriasis, the most common skin disease. It is a complex disease: it is often impossible to hide, it returns regularly and it cannot be cured once and for all. How to deal with it? Medicine has given us the answer. Kamila Bialek-Galas, specialist dermatologist, venereologist and doctor of aesthetic medicine.
What is psoriasis of the scalp?
Onion. Kamila Bialek-Galas: Psoriasis vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory skin disease. According to some reports, this is one of the most common skin diseases in European countries, which affects about 2-3% of the population. The essence of the disease lies in the excessive growth of epidermal cells. In a healthy person, the process of transition of keratinocytes (epidermal cells) from the basal layer to the surface of the epidermis takes about 28 days. In a person suffering from psoriasis, this period is reduced to 4 days.
Scalp psoriasis is a type of psoriasis in which skin lesions are located in this area.
What are the causes of scalp psoriasis?
The cause of psoriasis, which also affects the head, is unknown. The role in the development of psoriatic lesions is assigned to immune processes associated with T-lymphocytes that occur in the human body. Scalp psoriasis can also be genetic, and its inheritance is multigenetic.
There are many factors that can cause psoriasis. Among them, among other things:
infections (in particular, streptococcal pharyngitis), injuries (caused by both physical and chemical factors), stress, drugs (including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some hypertension drugs, lithium and antimalarial drugs).
What does the skin look like with this disease?
The symptoms of psoriasis of the head manifest themselves in the form of inflammatory, well-defined red plaques covered with a layered white scale. Skin lesions are often localized in the hairline, passing about 1-2 cm to smooth the skin, especially on the skin of the forehead, in the area before and behind the ear and on the neck.
The disease does not damage hair follicles and does not cause baldness. However, this may be accompanied by temporary hair loss as a result of the usual combing of the scalp and the formation of scale.
Is psoriasis of the head contagious?
No, it's not an infectious disease. Despite this, there is still a belief in society that psoriasis can be infected. Nothing could be more wrong. People suffering from psoriasis are often stigmatized and rejected by society, which further increases stress and, due to the "vicious circle", can worsen the symptoms of the disease.
Can psoriasis of the scalp appear in children?
Yes. Psoriasis in children differs slightly in clinical picture from psoriasis in adults. It also occurs with less frequency and is almost always associated with the occurrence of the disease in family members.
The picture of psoriasis, including the site of skin lesions, changes as the child grows up. The most frequently observed skin lesions are fine-grained and are located especially on the skin of the trunk, but over time, especially in adolescence, scalp lesions are increasingly observed.
How to treat psoriasis of the head?
The method of treating psoriasis of the scalp depends on the severity and extent of the lesion. Local treatment is most often chosen.
The first step should be to remove the scales. For this purpose, gel preparations, oils or lotions containing exfoliating components such as salicylic acid or urea are used.
Descaling improves the penetration and healing effects of topical drugs that inhibit cell division, such as resin and cygolin, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs (steroids).
It should be remembered that the treatment of psoriasis of the head can be prolonged and requires the patient to be regular. Systemic treatment can be considered in severe cases and in the absence of a response with the correct application of local therapy.
Which shampoo should be used for psoriasis of the head?
In the treatment of psoriasis of the scalp, both shampoos containing exfoliating ingredients (for example, urea) and shampoos that reduce skin lesions, such as resin and/or sulfur shampoos, are used.
Steroid shampoos are also used, but these are medications, not cosmetics, and this form of medication is only available by prescription.
What home remedies can be used for psoriasis of the head?
As with all diseases, home methods should only be a supplement, not an alternative treatment for this disease. It is important to ensure adequate hydration and lubrication of the skin, preferably with emollients specially developed for this purpose.
Salt baths are one of the natural treatments for this disease. Bathing in the Dead Sea is very popular, but bathing in salt water at home is also allowed.
The beneficial effect of ultraviolet radiation on psoriasis is also known. Heliotherapy (i.e. sun treatment) is the oldest known method of treating this disease.
Some patients also attach great importance to herbs. They are used both as infusions, as an ingredient in baths, and as compresses. The most popular herbs used in the treatment of psoriasis are: chamomile, milk thistle, horsetail, acacia, birch leaves, wheat grass, cereals and beans. You should also remember to follow a healthy diet, avoid infections and stressful situations.
Is diet important for such psoriasis?
In many patients suffering from psoriasis, skin diseases are accompanied by a violation of lipid metabolism. In addition, gastritis is also not uncommon in the active form of the disease. For these reasons, the diet of a person suffering from psoriasis should be easily digestible, free of animal fats (especially pork) and cholesterol-raising ingredients.
However, it is recommended to consume omega-3 and omega-6, which are a rich source of fish. Spicy spices, alcohol and coffee should also be avoided.
Is it possible to completely cure psoriasis of the head?
Psoriasis is a chronic disease. This means that the patient suffers from this for the rest of his life. Of course, there may be periods of exacerbation when skin changes are observed, as well as remissions when the patient's skin is completely free from skin changes. It is worth remembering not to cause exacerbations such as stress and infections. At Mostbet, the excitement never stops with a variety of sports betting options and top-notch customer service. Get started by registering today and take advantage of the Mostbet rewarding bonuses.

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